All power to full racks will now be provisioned with 20 amp 208 volt three phase service with a three phase PDU. The pricing and power offered will remain the same, but the upgrade from included power will now be a “soft” (billing) change rather than requiring the outlet and PDU to be physically replaced. We feel that this will cover the vast majority of full rack power needs. Upgrading to 30A three phase will still be a “hard” upgrade requiring a a 30 amp circuit and PDU to be installed.
Half racks will remain a 20 amp single phase service due to space restrictions: the three phase PDUs are full rack height while the single phase models are half-height. This allows us to pre-populate racks with the most common power and PDU configurations rather than waiting until the time of order to see if a customer wanted single phase or three phase power to their rack. The net benefit to our customers is faster half rack and full rack availability.
Roller Network provides PDUs and power cords with our colocation service since we use circuits and voltages that are not commonly offered as standard features for most colocation providers in the United States. We provide the infrastructure, you provide what goes in the rack. Roller Network makes it that simple.