
No Spamhaus DNSBL Support

We have regretfully removed support for Spamhaus from our mail service DNSBL filter. Our paid account structure model unfortunately doesn’t correlate with how DNSBLs like Spamhaus (and SURBL and URIBL) charge for their data: they assume user counts, but at Rollernet we don’t count domains, mailboxes, valid users, features, etc. This is somewhat unique. Most similar providers charge for these items individually or have package limits. In our case our uniqueness of not tracking per-user stuff (which means we aren’t charging for things like total number of mailboxes) and allowing full customization to DNSBL settings (where customers can exclude DNSBLs entirely) is incompatible with other subscription services that assume this cost has been accounted for.

To bring services like these back in the future we may consider adding a special subscription option to allow use of these DNSBLs so that we can track their costs and only apply them to that accounts that are using them. This will allow us to match their pricing models without raising our prices across the board or switching to a per-user model ourselves. If it pans out we’ll post an update. But for now, the removal of support is final.


4th of July Holiday

Our office will be closed on Friday, July 4th 2014 in observation of Independence Day (US Federal Holiday).

Customers requiring emergency assistance during this time should refer to their welcome sheet for contact information.


New Actions for API “rmap” Method

We’ve added two new actions to the “rmap” API method:

  • global: Changes domain to use the global valid user table.
  • mode: Return the default action mode for a domain.

The API docs have been updated with the return values for the “mode” action.


IE11 and Whitelist Fixed

We’ve fixed a bug related to Internet Explorer 11 that would fail when trying to select filters to whitelist, preventing a whitelist entry from being added. Apparently we can’t use jQuery’s .on(‘click’) function and then expect to read the “checked” state from a button that was clicked. However it does work of .on(‘click’) is replaced with .change() then using .is(“:checked”) to see if it was selected/deselected.

These hooks were originally added based on customer feedback to provide a user interface element to indicate when a button was selected. There isn’t any functional dependency on jQuery – the forms will still submit if Javascript is disabled – but this also caused Internet Explored to fail to select the button completely even though it visually appeared selected. This issue only affected Internet Explorer on Windows.


New Option: Allow Sender To Fail An RFC822 Check

We’ve added a new client validity check option called “Allow sender address to fail an RFC822 Address Check”. This option stemmed from an old feature request.

However, we are not supporting changing this option away from its’s “default” setting. The purpose of adding it as an option is to let customers that know why they would want to bypass this check (and understand the possible pitfalls) to have the option to do so. Rollernet does not recommend or support changing this setting. You’ll find it at the very bottom of the Client Validity Checks.