
IANA IPv4 Free Pool is Now at 6.25%

From the ARIN-announce mailing list:

ARIN has been allocating IPv6 addresses since 1999 and has been actively advocating the need to deploy IPv6. In 2007, the ARIN Board of Trustees resolved to educate and inform the Internet community regarding IPv4 depletion and the increasing need to adopt IPv6. This resolution became part of a larger IPv6 outreach campaign to encourage those currently running IPv4 to begin adopting IPv6. In April of 2009, ARIN contacted, by certified letter, the CEOs of organizations that currently hold IPv4 resources in its region to raise executive awareness of IPv4 depletion and IPv6 adoption. To keep up with ARIN’s current outreach activities and locations, please visit

Without IPv6, the Internet’s expansion and innovation could be limited. Delaying IPv6 deployment may strain the work of Internet operators, application developers, and end users everywhere. Furthermore, organizations whose business model is dependent on availability of IP addresses may find their growth limited without adopting production IPv6.

There are many ways to make your organization’s services available using IPv6, depending on your network setup and the services you have deployed. ARIN hosts an IPv6 Wiki to facilitate discussion and information sharing on IPv6 adoption topics and issues, which can be found at If you have not already, now is the time to determine how your services will grow and be maintained using IPv6 addresses.


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

Roller Network offers standard IPv6 enabled colocation and hosting services for the next generation internet, today. If your provider does not support IPv6, consider switching to one that does.


The End of the Verizon Story

If you’ve been following our Verizon story, you know by now that we’ve been trying to get them to turn up a dual-stack circuit for over a year now. Last year on June 7, 2009, we signed an agreement for Verizon to deliver fiber to our premises. This allows us to offer our customers a facility with diverse fiber entrances and diverse physical carriers. Our colocation customers can also order circuits directly to our muxes (AT&T or VZB) if they choose. Although the equipment was installed a few months later, it’s been stuck in some sort of engineering delay for an abnormally long time. As we can’t wait forever, we have to file it away as a lost cause at this point.

But all is not lost in the end. The Verizon fiber facilities are still installed, fully functional, (we left the order open in the hope that one day it would be delivered) and Global Crossing is able to utilize it for their local loop to us. It’s been a long and ugly ride, from denial, through anger, and finally acceptance of the situation. It’s caused us delays beyond our control and cost far too much money from being forced on standby since the move in October 2009. But we’re still here and we look forward to the future.

We will be announcing some promotions and referral programs in the near future so stay tuned!

Announcements Changes Status

Default DNSBL Change

This post has been removed; it was being used to further a disagreement between third parties unrelated to Roller Network. A screen capture of the original is below.

We, as a hosting provider or ISP, are not in the position to judge what may be “objectionable” content because everyone will have a different opinion.


Hosted Mail Outage

One of the servers in an active/standby pair that’s part of our hosted mail service locked up for reasons unknown at this time. The standby didn’t automatically take over so we cut power to the active server to force the standby to promote itself to active. Master ticket ID 2125. We are seeing a successful takeover by the standby at this time and services have been fully restored.


[2010-06-09 13:06:04] First soft alert of POP3/IMAP connections refused.

[2010-06-09 13:08:04] Hard outage alert for NOC response.

[2010-06-09 13:13:36] Powered off “active” server in the troubled pair after no login response (SSH and console) and failure of the standby to self-promote.

[2010-06-09 13:14:10] Successful promotion of standby to active. POP3/IMAP connections accepted.

Total outage time for hosted mail boxes on this pair was approximately 8 minutes, 6 seconds.

Announcements Changes

New: Greylisting Multi-Domain Settings

A multi-domain configuration tool for the Greylisting filter is now available on accounts with a service level of Personal Plus or higher.

Greylisting Multi-Domain Settings