
Verizon Arrives

verizonfiberWe finally have the first signs of life for our new facility: the Verizon techs arrived to start the fiber installation process.

The armored fiber is laid out behind the building in preparation to be pulled through the conduit from the fiber entrance terminal to the rack in our suite.

The empty rack in our telco room that will eventually be filled with Verizon equipment. You can see the coiled fiber behind the rack on the wall waiting to be spliced into the fiber tray. The rack is simply bolted the the floor, although they will be installing a piece of ladder rack to brace it to the concrete wall behind it.

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The left picture is the rack in our (otherwise currently empty) upstairs telco room. The right picture is the armored fiber terminated at the building entrance. This fiber was originally installed by Brooks Fiber back in the day before the were acquired by WorldCom and ultimately Verizon Business.



We’ve set this up as a better way of communicating with our customers (including the oft-requested RSS feed) and so we can easily post pictures of the progress on our new facility. Uploading images and linking them on the forums was cumbersome, and everyone seems to love blogs, so here we are. Enjoy!