
Colocation Services Pricing

We finally have a page up on the main website for colocation pricing:

Following in the footsteps of doing something unique to stand out from the pack, rack space is free and we only charge for bandwidth and power. If you have an 80PLUS certified power supply in the server you want to colocate, there is a discounted rate for being energy efficient.

If you’re looking towards the future of internet access, our colocation services have been dual-stack IPv6 enabled since 2005. We also use 208V circuits standard – including three phase – enough power to load a full rack. For our international audience this isn’t much of a surprise, but here in the USA a 120V single phase outlet is the status quo. A typical 20A 120V from other providers only gives you 1920VA. At 208V, we give you 3328VA to use, and that’s just the minimum.

We’re proud of our services and we apply the same standards to colocation that we have with our email services. If you have any questions or would like more details, contact us.

Announcements IPv6

Send Mail Using IPv6!

If you’re feeling brave and have IPv6 connectivity, you can now submit mail to our Outbound Mail service (SMTP AUTH) over IPv6 by connecting to “”. All of the same ports and TLS available under IPv4 also apply as we have simply dual-stacked the service. Please see “Submitting Outbound Mail via IPv6” on the forums for current limitations.

As far as we’re aware, Roller Network one of the very few – maybe even the first – provider in our arena to enable IPv6 for transport-level SMTP. This is quite a bit more substantial than simply making a website IPv6 available, so please send us feedback if you try it.

A new IPv6 section has also been added to the forums.


What’s next? Read “The List”

Curious to know what we’re working on next? Check out The List in the tab to the right.

Announcements Changes

New: Sieve Plugins and ‘managesieve’ Port 2000 Open

We have decided to allow managesieve (tcp port 2000) from external clients. This will allow external tools to log in to the sieve and manage it directly rather than relying on our web-based interface alone. (However, be aware that some clients have TLS incompatibilities that may cause login to fail.)

As such, we have also enabled the ‘managesieve’ plugin for Roundcube webmail and added Avelsieve to SquirrelMail webmail. These interfaces may also be used as an alternative to writing rules directly even if you don’t use webmail.

Announcements IPv6

Colocation, Hosting Delays, and the Holiday Season

If you’ve been keeping up on our newspipe you’ll know that the long story of delays with Verizon continues. We were informed yesterday (Dec 22.) that the circuit was ready, however it still does not need our basic requirements (IPv4/IPv6 dual stack). This is continuing to impact our ability to expand our colocation, dedicated servers, and hosting options.

As such, we have decided to enact a backup plan and bring in an additional circuit from Sprint so we can get back to business with a predictable timeline. The installation interval should be about 60 days plus we have requested an expedite on the order. As we’ve been a Sprint customer for 5 years and already have existing service with them, we do not expect the same problems that have plagued our attempt at obtaining service with Verizon. Furthermore, we are pleased to report that Sprint’s IPv6 offering is moving to their native network after we’ve been on their test network for the last 4 years. As soon as we have more information from Sprint we will share it here.

Again, we apologize for the delays and problems we’ve faced beyond our control in not meeting our original October/November 2009 opening of the new facility.

As today is December 24 this will be our last post on the newspipe for 2009. We’re going to take it easy for the next week so we can recharge and regroup for what lies ahead. As many of you (and us) are on vacation, holiday, or spending the new year with family and friends, we will be operating on a reduced schedule. Technical support will still be available. See you in 2010!