
New: “Logs for Mail Services”

We’ve released a new “Logs for Mail Services” section under the account control center as a combination of all three log views (Incoming, Outgoing, and Submitted) reorganized into a single section with easy access to documentation.

The main motivation for this was to clarify that there are different views for incoming and outgoing stages on mail delivery through the use of UI tabs instead of the often overlooked “View” selector that was part of the search form. The original functionality has not changed – other than removing the now unnecessary “View” selector. It also has UI elements for “loading” states for both online viewing and downloads, plus some error states. Additionally, the logs will hold state as you switch between tabs.

If there are any issues with the new log section please contact us.

Announcements Changes

Support for DNSBL

We are now supporting the DNSBL with a local rsync feed.

To use this DNSBL refer to the scoring rule “RCVD_IN_UNSUBSCORE” in SpamAssassin (recommended) or add “” to your DNSBL configuration in the account control center.

UPDATE: We saw a handful of false positives within the first 48 hours of our own testing, so we’re just going to recommend using this one for scoring. We have added a new SpamAssassin test called “RCVD_IN_UNSUBSCORE” for it. The default score is 0.5 points.

To learn more about this list see:

Utilizing the world’s largest unsubscribe intelligence database, LashBack’s Unsubscribe Blacklist (UBL) empowers your organization to identify and block the very worst unsubscribe abusers; those that send email to addresses which have been harvested from suppression lists.

Announcements Changes

Google Checkout to be Removed

We’re going to be removing the option for paying invoices with Google Checkout at the end of the month due to Google discontinuing Checkout and the unclear nature of how we might fit in to what they are continuing to offer under the Wallet name. We originally added Google Checkout support to offer our customers an alternative to PayPal. At some point in the future we may try to figure out if their Wallet options will fit our type of business, but for now we have no choice but to remove all Google payment support.

Google is officially terminating services to Checkout sellers on November 20, 2013. Roller Network will remove Checkout from our payment options on August 31st.

Announcements Changes

DNSSEC for Primary DNS

We’ve released DNSSEC support for Primary DNS zones. This change marks a major new feature release after several months of work. As this is the initial public release, please let us know if you find any bugs we’ve missed or have any suggestions on how to improve it.


FIX: Multi-Level Forwards to Disabled Mail Boxes

We added some additional checking in our system to mail forwarding for the case where a forward with an email address destination resolved to another forward to a mail box within the same hosted domain name was disabled. This was observed causing a mail loop for hosted mail domains in some cases. Our fix was to add additional logic to check another level of validity only when a mail domain is in “hosted” mode.