
New Feature: Primary DNS Update Multiple Zones

We’ve added a multi-domain tool to Primary DNS that allows updates for simple record types to be easily changed for multiple zones. For example, this feature can be used as a “find and replace” to update an IP addresses or its TTL wherever a match is found (within selected domains). Record types supported are: A, AAAA, MX, NS, TXT, SPF, CNAME, and PTR. To access this feature click on the “Update Multiple Zones” button on the Primary DNS page in the account control center.

Primary DNS multiple zone update examples.
Primary DNS multiple zone update examples.


New Options for Outbound Mail

We’ve added two new advanced options for Outbound Mail accounts:

  • Allow identities on single-user account
  • Allow any valid subdomain

These advanced options allow  some of the restrictions on single-user and any-user type accounts to be modified. The first one allows the “left hand side” to vary on single-user accounts (such as for identities). The second one allows matching subdomains of the configured domain to be accepted as valid. The default setting for these options is disabled, which preserves the original behavior of the account types.

New identity options for Outbound Mail accounts.
New identity options for Outbound Mail accounts.

Announcements Changes

New Main Website

If you’re visiting the main website at today (and in the future) it’s possible that you’ve noticed it’s now sporting an entirely new design.


IP Address Change for

We had to do an unplanned change of the IP addresses for the site due to chronic packet loss issues that were resulting in excessive false pages from Nagios  (typically during the early morning hours). The VPS host says this should fix the problem, so we’ll see.

  • IPv4
  • IPv6 2a00:dd80:3c::1e

UPDATE: So far it’s been well behaved without the false pages.


Now Running PowerDNS 3.0 for Primary DNS

As previously mentioned, we planned to upgrade to PowerDNS 3.0 to support some outstanding requests. We’re pleased to announce that this upgrade has been completed. As always, feel free to contact us with any questions.