
Minor ACC Changes

We’ve moved a couple of the items around on the main menu of the account control center:

  • The “Mail Domain Tests” and “Service Alerts” items were previously under the Tools section, these are now under Mail Services.
  • The “Server Information” page is now part of “My Account”

Certainly not major changes, but if you’ve become accustomed to seeing these under the Tools section we didn’t deleted them from the system.

Announcements Changes

New: Alternate IP Filters for Outbound Mail

Our outbound accounts have long been configurable with one IPv4 and one IPv6 address or host name lookup (A or AAAA). A couple weeks ago a situation was brought to our attention that caused a conflict: end sites with a different failover IP. In order for these sites to work, you’d have to log in and change the filter to the failover IP and then back again later to the primary IP.

To fix this we have just released a new addition of an alternate IP filter setting for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Alternate IP Filter Settings

This setting works in conjunction with the original primary filter setting to specifically resolve the issue of business customer sites with a failover circuit, and is available on accounts with a service level of Standard and above.

Announcements Changes

New: Envelope Address Character Settings

We’ve made some enhancements to our Client Validity Checks filter: configurable envelope address characters and a multi-domain settings mode. Although all 7bit ASCII characters are technically allowed by RFC, many of the uncommon ones are misused by broken mail servers, viruses, and poorly written mass mailers.

Envelope Address Characters Configuration

If desired, some of the most commonly abused characters may be rejected. You can also add a whitelist rule for Client Validity Checks for trusted sources.

We’ve also added a multi-domain settings mode that’s identical to the other filters that offer this feature so that you can update some or all of your domains without having to waste time configuring them individually.

Announcements Changes Status

Default DNSBL Change

This post has been removed; it was being used to further a disagreement between third parties unrelated to Roller Network. A screen capture of the original is below.

We, as a hosting provider or ISP, are not in the position to judge what may be “objectionable” content because everyone will have a different opinion.

Announcements Changes

New: Greylisting Multi-Domain Settings

A multi-domain configuration tool for the Greylisting filter is now available on accounts with a service level of Personal Plus or higher.

Greylisting Multi-Domain Settings