Announcements Changes

New Filtering on Outbound Mail

Today we’ve added new filtering to mail submitted through our Outbound Mail (SMTP AUTH) service. We’ve never allowed submission of span or viruses through our outbound mail service, and previously we were using a combination of SpamAssassin and ClamAV for that purposes. The new addition is a commercial filter we recently subscribed to. We have also configured it to allow spam-containing submissions to a few select obvious recipient address patterns for reporting and troubleshooting.

If you encounter any issues with mail submission please contact support so we can look in to it.

Eventually this filter will make its way to the incoming side of our mail services, however that integration process is much more involved since it needs to be controllable through the account control center.

UPDATE 3/29/2016: We’ve removed this new filter due to customer complaints on mail submissions. We will be reevaluating our options.


Invoice by Mail Handling Fee Notice

On March 21, 2016 we will start adding the $1.50 per paper invoice handling fee for all customers choosing to be invoiced by mail. This fee has been defined in policy for many years, although we have not been applying it.

If you wish to continue receiving invoices by mail you don’t need to do anything; invoices will continue to be delivered as normal, however please note the additional $1.50 for paper invoicing after March 21.

To switch to electronic invoices (as a PDF attachment) you can do so online in the account control center at Go to My Account -> Account Preferences and change your “Invoice Delivery Method” preference. Please make sure our domain “” is whitelisted in your spam filters.

If you have any questions about this change please contact us.

Changes Status

Office Voice (Phone) Provider Change Maintenance Notice

Within the next several weeks we’re going to be changing voice service (phone) providers at our office. When it comes time to initiate the number port and reconfigure stuff there will be a short period of time where calls will not complete or could be dropped. Additional information will be posted as updates to this post and on our Twitter account as it becomes available.

The reason for this change is mainly for cost savings; our current provider is raising their prices and we don’t really use the phone enough to justify the increase. However, we still prefer a separate circuit instead of internet-based VOIP because of the nature of our business: if there is an internet related problem on our side that’s the time we are most likely to need the phones. Since we want to keep voice and internet out of the same basket as much as possible we continue to utilize separate voice circuits from a provider that we aren’t also using for transit multihoming.

UPDATE 1: New circuit has been delivered to the MMR. (11/17/2015)

UPDATE 2: Currently scheduled date for the cutover is the afternoon of Monday, November 30th.

UPDATE 3: The migration has been successfully completed.

Note that our alternate number has changed to 775-221-8807 (the old one could not be ported).

Announcements Changes

Cloudmark Authority Testing

We’re currently testing out the Cloudmark Authority system on our mail servers to see how it performs with our system. The fastest way to do this was by using their SpamAssassin plugin under the new rule “CMAE_1” in our SpamAssassin configuration.

If you have issues with scoring you can change the score for CMAE_1 (default is 10) in the SpamAssassin preferences. If you have issues with false positives or spam that wasn’t caught please send us a copy of the X-Spam-CMAE-Analysis header.

UPDATE: The CMAE_1 rule has been disabled. We never received pricing from Cloudmark to continue post-trial and we have other projects that need attention at the moment. We may revisit this in the future.

Announcements Changes

Mail: Blocked Attachment Types

This has long been on the feature request list: attachment types. We’ve implemented some code to start this off with checking a static list of attachment extensions to reject. In addition to this list we’ll also be rejecting double extensions (like and extensions with non-alphanumeric characters. Right now we’ve just deployed this as logging only to observe the results before switching on the rejecting portion of the code.

The rejected list of extensions will be:

chm, ade, adp, app, asp, bas, bat, cab, cer, chm, cmd, com, cpl, crt, csh, der, exe, fxp, gadget, hlp, hta, inf, ins, isp, its, js, jse, ksh, lib, lnk, mad, maf, mag, mam, maq, mar, mas, mat, mau, mav, maw, mda, mdb, mde, mdt, mdw, mdz, msc, msh, msh1, msh2, mshxml, msh1xml, msh2xml, msi, msp, mst, ops, pcd, pif, plg, prf, prg, pst, reg, scf, scr, sct, shb, shs, sys, ps1, ps1xml, ps2, ps2xml, psc1, psc2, tmp, url, vb, vbe, vbs, vsmacros, vsw, vxd, ws, wsc, wsf, wsh, xnk

In the future we will expand this in the account control center by allowing this feature to be disabled, add custom extensions to the list, and an inverse option of reject all extensions except a list of approved ones (as defined by the user). For now, contact support to request deactivation of this feature if you don’t want it applied to your domains.

UPDATE: Attachment extension name blocking is now live.

UPDATE July 7, 2016: We’ve added “docm”, “xlsm”, and “pptm” to the list.