
New Facility Progress

It’s been a while since we’ve posted any pictures of the build (plus the two and a half week delay from the city on the permit to move walls), so here’s a few pictures from about an hour ago on our current progress.

The telco room is, for the most part, complete. We have the fiber rack of course, but we added some classic circuits (T1, PRI, POTS, etc.) terminating in the room as well. Customers who want to bring in their own POTS, DSL, frame or leased lines are welcome to do so as well and we’ll hand them off to your equipment. The board is still quite empty since none of the wiring out of the room has been installed yet.

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The server room is coming along quite well. We have half of the overhead racking completed and we’re working on finishing our the rest of it. There’s two layers of overhead space: one for high voltage (UPS circuits) and one for low voltage (Ethernet, telco, etc.). The high voltage level will eventually become home to wire raceways.

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Many of the ceiling tiles are still out because ductwork for cooling and wiring for the fire system and alarms hasn’t been installed yet. The blue tape on the floor indicates cabinet rows. A keen eye may notice that long run of racks isn’t quite level. We’re waiting until it’s all in place before we spend the time to fine tune it.


Verizon OC-12 Up, Construction Update

IMAG0040The Verizon OC-12 circuit is now up and running. They’re still working on provisioning the circuit and bringing the diverse links to the Overture up. From there we’ll take an Ethernet handoff.

We’re slightly behind schedule with the city of Reno taking two months to issue a permit for minor changes; we had expected to be able to start moving in and preparing the space for our equipment on the 15th, and the contractor just started this morning. Now we’re expecting to start moving the first week of August.


Verizon Equipment #2

Not too much changed today. They added an Overture ISG5100 to the rack since we’re taking the handoff as Ethernet and moved the rectifiers to the top of the rack. It’s ridiculously cheaper to take Ethernet delivery even though it’s still a classic SONET circuit mere inches away. Silly telco tariffs.

DCP_2487 Overture ISG5100


Verizon Equipment

The Verizon equipment has arrived and been placed in the rack. Fiber splicing is also complete (as seen by the jumper on top of the fiber shelf completing the loop before the equipment can be inserted into the loop). The shelf is an Adtran OPTI-6100 MX. They’ll be back tomorrow to hook up the rectifier/inverter and battery bank.

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Verizon Arrives

verizonfiberWe finally have the first signs of life for our new facility: the Verizon techs arrived to start the fiber installation process.

The armored fiber is laid out behind the building in preparation to be pulled through the conduit from the fiber entrance terminal to the rack in our suite.

The empty rack in our telco room that will eventually be filled with Verizon equipment. You can see the coiled fiber behind the rack on the wall waiting to be spliced into the fiber tray. The rack is simply bolted the the floor, although they will be installing a piece of ladder rack to brace it to the concrete wall behind it.

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The left picture is the rack in our (otherwise currently empty) upstairs telco room. The right picture is the armored fiber terminated at the building entrance. This fiber was originally installed by Brooks Fiber back in the day before the were acquired by WorldCom and ultimately Verizon Business.